

Dan Dosch, Captain
Los Pinos Fire District
Ignacio, CO 81137
o: 970-563-9501

Volunteer Wildland Program FAQs

How long is the initial training?
Our training meets or exceeds the National Wildfire Coordinating Groups standards. The initial certification is an online course that generally takes about 40 total hours, but progress can be saved and resumed at any time. Other training courses are taught in-house by qualified instructors and are done so on a need's basis.

All I want to do is drive fire trucks. Is that a thing?
Absolutely, we have many fire apparatus like water tenders and brush trucks that need operators to get to the scene. That is definitely a thing.

How long is the wildfire season?
On average the season generally starts in April and lasts until the end of September. Peak times from late May to July. Sometimes, depending on weather, the season may start earlier or last longer.

Is the firefighter gear provided?
The wildland fire personal protective (PPE) gear is provided.

I have commitments during the weekdays, can I still volunteer on the weekends?
We encourage a strong work(volunteer) / life balance and would be thrilled to have you volunteer any time you could.

Is this only wildland fire, or will there be other programs?
During this time of the year, we are specifically looking for wildland firefighters, however, as the year goes on there will be opportunities to pursue other aspects of the fire department. (Structure fire, Hazardous materials, Emergency Medical Services)

Do volunteer wildland firefighters get paid?
Under certain circumstances, a volunteer can get paid. This typically happens when another agency or area needs assistance which is called a reimbursable assignment. The wildland division often travels to other parts of the state or country. This usually requires a 14-day commitment but can also happen locally and only expected to last a few days. The answer is: Sometimes!

Does a volunteer have to live with the fire district?
While it is preferred that the candidate lives in the fire district or proximity, it is not required.

What are the age requirements?
Minimum age required by insurance to participate at Los Pinos is 16 years. Federal agencies require minimum age to be 18 to assist with incidents managed by them. All others are welcome!

What is the next step to becoming a volunteer firefighter?
  1. Submit an application via the link below
  2. Contact Captain Dosch to schedule a "ride-along" day with the Wildland Crew.

The Mission of the Los Pinos Fire Protection District Wildland Division is to protect lives, property, and resources while restoring and maintaining healthy ecosystems through cost-effective and creative fire-management programs and collaboration.

The Division currently operates a variety of equipment including a Type 3 Engine, Type 6 Engines and Tactical Water tenders. Trained to and exceeding NWCG standards, we support the local, regional and national efforts of fire response and have been to every Western state. Surrounded by Federal land we get ample opportunity for experience and collaboration with many different agencies. With 2 fulltime members the Division seeks out seasonal firefighters yearly. Visit our employment tab for listings of available positions.

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John Gilbert, Captain, Wildland Coordinator
17 years on the job
7 With Los Pinos

Dan Dosch, Engine Captain
15 Years on the job
6 years with Los Pinos

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Hunter Flinders, Seasonal Firefighter
2nd generation Wildland Firefighter
6 seasons on the job
5 seasons with Los Pinos

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Rees Beck, Seasonal Firefighter, Engine Boss
11 years on the job
2 Season with Los Pinos

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Gregory Trujillo, Engine Boss
5 years on the job
2 Season with Los Pinos

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Torrey Schaefer, Seasonal Firefighter
1 years on the job
1 Season with Los Pinos

Contact Us:
Los Pinos Fire Protection District
PO Box 319
275 Browning Ave.
Ignacio, CO 81137

©2024 Los Pinos Fire Protection District, All Rights Reserved Worldwide